SOC 2 Type II Report

InfoCert has achieved the SOC 2 Type II Report, independent Service auditor’s assurance report on the description of Controls relevant to Security and Availability, on their design and on their operating effectiveness; the report has been prepared in accordance with International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3000.
GLEIF Accredited

InfoCert is accredited by the Global Legal Entity identifier Foundation (GLEIF).
eIDAS Qualified Trust Service Provider ETSI EN 319 401
For qualified certification services of electronic signatures, electronic seals, website authentication, and for qualified time validation service.

With the entry into force of the eIDAS Regulation (01-07-2016 EU Regulation 910/2014) InfoCert has become a leading Digital Trust solutions provider in Europe. For this, the company has received the certification of Qualified Trust Service Provider for trust services provided in accordance with Regulation (EU) 910/2014 eIDAS. Specifically, the services of issuing qualified certificates for electronic signatures, website authentication, electronic seals and the time validation service are certified as complying with the required technical standards.
Member of the Adobe Approved Trust List

InfoCert is a member of the Adobe Approved Trust List (AATL), a program that allows millions of people to digitally sign documents in Adobe Document Cloud solutions with the most reliable digital IDs in the world. Digital IDs issued by InfoCert are based on certificates and a time stamp service to ensure compliance with the most stringent regulatory and legal requirements in the world, such as the EU’s eIDAS Regulation and the SAFE-BioPharma standard.
SPID Digital Identity Management

InfoCert is accredited with AgID as manager of the Public System for the management of Digital Identity (SPID) according to the DPCM 24/10/2014. InfoCert is a Certified Identity Provider in accordance with the provisions of art.24 of the eIDAS Regulation 910/2014, the DPCM 24/10/2014, the EU Implementing Regulation 2015/1502 of the Commission and the ETSI EN 319 401 as defined by the Accredia Circular n°35/2016. Digital IDs issued by InfoCert are based on certificates and a time stamp service to ensure compliance with the most stringent regulatory and legal requirements in the world, such as the EU’s eIDAS Regulation and the SAFE-BioPharma standard.
Environmental Management System

InfoCert is aware of how important proper management is for the environment and the opportunity to adopt environmental management measures in accordance with international standards.
That’s why it adopted an Environmental Management System in compliance with ISO 14001 that meets the company’s strategy to implement a compliance review with environmental regulation and to improve process efficiency.
Digital IDs issued by InfoCert are based on certificates and a time stamp service to ensure compliance with the most stringent regulatory and legal requirements in the world, such as the EU’s eIDAS Regulation and the SAFE-BioPharma standard.
Service Management System ISO 20000-1:2018

InfoCert decided to adopt an IT Service Management System (SMS) compliant with ISO IEC 20000 (international IT Service Management standard) in order to maintain and improve the quality of the business services it provides. These have a special focus on customer requirements, backed by an ongoing cycle of monitoring, reporting and reviewing agreed SLAs.
Quality Management System ISO 9001:2015

InfoCert adopted a Quality System compliant with ISO 9001: 2008 with the aim of meeting the following business objectives:
Information Security Management System ISO 27001:2014

InfoCert assigns strategic importance to safe information handling and recognizes the need to constantly develop, maintain, control and improve an Information Security Management System (ISMS) in accordance with ISO/IEC 27001:2013. InfoCert's Information Security Management System is ISO/IEC 27001:2013 compliant for EA:33-35 activities. An excerpt of InfoCert's security policy is available on request from
Responsible Forest Management
In line with its dedication to paperless solutions, InfoCert promotes environmental sustainability policies to eliminate the use of paper, using FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified materials and contributing to the responsible management of the global forest heritage.
FSC N002249