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Electronic Signature
GoSign, our signature solution, covers global requirements for electronic signature, find out the e-signature recognized by your country.
Simple Electronic Signature
eIDAS Compliant
Advanced Electronic Signature
eIDAS Compliant
Qualified Electronic Signature
eIDAS Compliant
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Electronic Signature compliance
The electronic signatures in Europe are regulated by the Regulation (EU) n. 910/2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market ('eIDAS'). eIDAS is one of the most complete and accurate legislation worldwide on electronic signatures and provides with three types of electronic signatures: Qualified electronic signature (QES), Advanced electronic signature (AES) and Simple electronic signature (SES). InfoCert’s products and procedures are fully compliant in the EU Member States due to the directly-applicable and mandatory nature of the Regulation.
In Austria, the legal framework on electronic signatures is provided by the Federal Act on Electronic Signatures and Trust Services for Electronic Transactions (Bundesgesetz über elektronische Signaturen und Vertrauensdienste für elektronische Transaktionen - "SVG"), as amended. The Act supply that, among the electronic signatures prescribed by law, only the QES satisfies the legal requirement of written form as defined in Article 886 of the General Civil Code ("ABGB").
Anti-Money Laundering Act
We support our Clients to perform the Know Your Customer procedures during the onboarding process, according to the relevant Anti Money Laundering law
Financial Markets Anti-Money Laundering Act
The primary AML legislation in Austria is represented by the Financial Markets Anti-Money Laundering Act (Finanzmarkt-Geldwäschegesetz - "FM-GwG"), as amended, which requires financial institutions to implement a risk-based approach focused on a know-your-customer (KYC) assessment.
Online identification
The FM-GwG provides for different digital onboarding procedures, such as qualified trust services, electronic means of identification (e.g. ID Austria), or video identification in compliance with the Regulation of the Financial Market Authority on video-based online identification of customers (FMA über die videogestützte Online-Identifikation von Kunden - Federal Law Gazette II n. 5/2017).
We provide digital archiving services to preserve trustworthy, integrity and authenticity of your digital documents, ensuring their long-term access.
Austrian Commercial Code & Federal Fiscal Code
The relevant provisions for proper accounting and storage of electronic documents are provided by both the Austrian Commercial Code ('UGB') and the Federal Fiscal Code ('BAO').
Integrity, authenticity, legibility
Storage systems in compliance with the national legal framework shall guarantee integrity, authenticity and legibility of the electronic documents preserved therein.