INFOCERT at the EU Digital Identity Wallets Forum


    We will bring all our know-how as an innovation leader to uncover the future of European digital identity

    ù It is now clear that the European Digital Identity Wallet is the next step for digital identity in Europe, but what do we know now about this new technology that aim to revolutionize the use of Digital Identity for EU Citizens? We will talk about that at the EU Digital Identity Wallets Forum, the event hosted by Global Trust Foundation in Berlin on 18th October 2023. The EU Digital Identity Wallets Forum is a global reunion where many C-level leaders, decion-makers and technologists meet to talk about EU Digital Identity, ready to exchange ideas and opinions on the latest European developments in the field of digital identity. INFOCERT is ready to bring all the expertise it has built as a member of two significant consortia that have secured the implementation of highly innovative projects under the Digital Europe Programme of the European Commission, EWC and NOBID, and as a founder stewart of DIZME ID Foundation, the first decentralized identity network that combines the benefits of the SSI world as well as the compliance to eIDAS regulation perimeter. Don’t miss our talks:
    • At 13:00 pm “Qualified Trusted Service Providers – Thriving in the eIDAS 2 ecosystem?” –  Igor Marcolongo – Head of Business & Solutions Compliance, InfoCert.
    • At 16:15 pm Roundtable: “Keeping its seriously Simple (KISS) – EUDI Wallet between SD-JWT , W3C & beyond “ Fabrizio Leoni – Head of Innovation Portfolio, InfoCert will take part to round table like moderator.
    Don’t miss all news about EU digital identity wallet Forum, take part to the event!

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