InfoCert increases its role as a main player in global innovation

    Promoting the Cloud Signature Consortium, the company confirms its leading role in digital transformation also at european

    The new organisation focuses on defining new interoperability standards compliant with eIDAS for remote and cloud-based digital signature

    Rome, 28 June 2016 – InfoCert, one of the companies in the Tecnoinvestimenti SpA Group and a leading European Certification Authority in digitalisation and dematerialisation services, in its capacity as promotor and partner, announces the launch of the Cloud Signature Consortium, an international organisation committed to building new open standards across web and mobile, for remote and cloud-based digital signatures.

    InfoCert will provide the consortium with its recognised expertise in the Digital Trust field, its constant commitment to Research and Development – which it owes to the determination of the parent company Tecnoinvestimenti in supporting highly innovative activities – and its increasingly clear international vocation.

    “InfoCert is proud to promote the Cloud Signature Consortium because it is convinced that inter-operability is fundamental for an increasingly widespread adoption of trust solutions, the true enabling factor of any digital business transformation – explains Danilo Cattaneo, Managing Director of InfoCert – The launch of the consortium just before the eIDAS regulation comes into effect confirms the need to create trusted digital ecosystems to overcome anachronistic national business boundaries.

    In fact on July 1st, the new eIDAS (electronic IDentification Authentication and Signature) regulation will go into effect, helping pave the way for the global adoption of secure digital signatures: a milestone that will help take digital signatures ever more mainstream.

    Digital signatures are the most advanced and secure type of electronic signature, increasingly used by businesses and governments around the world. However, using standards-compliant digital signatures today can be a cumbersome, time-consuming process that keeps people tethered to their desktop. In many cases, they need certificate-based IDs stored on USB tokens or smart cards. This approach doesn’t meet the increasing consumer and business expectations for simple and engaging experiences that work anywhere, on any device.

    The new consortium currently has 13 members, of which Adobe is the main promotor and InfoCert the only Italian Certification Authority. The consortium members include cloud-based digital signature providers, trust service providers, academics and standards and security focused organizations. The consortium aims to develop an open standard which will provide the most secure form of electronic signature to more than 7 billion mobile devices all over the world.

    The new standard created by the consortium will be critical to furthering digital transformation of business on a global scale by giving everyone access to secure digital signature solutions across a full range of cloud applications and mobile devices. Although initially focused on the EU, the Cloud Signature Consortium aims to build a global network of operators in the sector and intends to release new standard specifications, meeting eIDAS regulations, by the end of 2016, followed immediately by the first cloud-based implementations.  The consortium was inspired by the need to meet the highest level requirements of the eIDAS, but its impact is expected to be global as demand for highly secure digital solutions continues to rise.

    To find out more about the Cloud Signature

    InfoCert SpA

    InfoCert is a leading company in the Italian market in the field of digitalisation and dematerialisation services and one of the main European Certification Authorities for Certified E-Mail and Digital Signature services and the digital storage of documents.

    ISO 9001, 27001 and 20000 quality certifications are proof of InfoCert’s total commitment in providing services and managing security. InfoCert’s Information Security Management System is also ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certified for EA:33-35 activities.

    InfoCert – a company owned 99.9% by Tecnoinvestimenti SPA – has a 35% stake in Sixtema, the technological partner in the CNA (National Association of Craft trades and SMEs)  field and a 100% stake in Eco-Mind App Factory, a company specialising in digital workplace solutions.

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