InfoCert was awarded the EU tender for the digital transformation of Frontex


    InfoCert was awarded the EU tender for the digital transformation of Frontex

    The European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) will digitalize its workflow processes and signature procedures

    Rome, 22 June 2017 The ambitious objectives of our digital workplace project are to improve, streamline and optimize our internal workflows and procedures; strengthen their governance and simplify their management – explains Pawel Sadownik, Frontex Project Manager – The electronic signature and electronic seal solutions are considered critical enablers to these improvements. Being able to use the technical, regulatory and business expertise as well as the innovative solutions provided by InfoCert, will strongly facilitate critically important changes in our internal processes”.

    Based on these drivers, InfoCert, member of the Tecnoinvestimenti Group and the largest Certification Authority in Europe, announces that it has been awarded the public tender for the digital transformation of document and workflow procedures of Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency.

    The project, which will last for three years and could be extended, foresees InfoCert providing assistance to Frontex to implement the most advanced and technologically secure Digital Signature solutions and Digital Trust services (eIDAS compliant qualified electronic signature certificates and qualified time stamps).

    Supported by InfoCert, Frontex will digitalise its internal workflow processes, thereby eliminating paper, reduce operational risk and increase organisational efficiency and governance. With InfoCert’s GoSign solution, signature processes will be managed easily in a fully digital and collaborative fashion, enabling the secure management and sharing of simple documents as well as structuring seamless complex workflow procedures to be effected from any device, such as smartphones, personal computers or tablets.

    The award of the Frontex tender represents InfoCert’s most recent success in its European expansion strategy.  The Company, in just few months, has gained prestigious clients, in both the public and private sectors, in the United Kingdom, France, Belgium, Holland, Slovenia, Austria, Romania and Poland and intends to continue this strategy.

    In 2016 the European Commission selected our eIDAS certified Time Stamping service  which now guarantees the full legal validity of EU official publications in electronic format – declared Carmine Auletta, Chief Innovation Officer of InfoCert. Today we are delighted to be able to start a new, prestigious collaboration with an important institution like Frontex. This 3 year project confirms the appeal of our solutions and the soundness of our international strategy and strengthens our motivation to pursue more ambitious expansion goals”.

    InfoCert SpA

    InfoCert, member of the Tecnoinvestimenti Group, is the Italian market leader in digitalisation and dematerialisation services, one of the main European Certification Authorities and Provider of Trust Business Solutions such as e-Delivery, e-Signature and Long-Term Preservation. In Italy, InfoCert is an official Identity Provider (accredited by AgID) for citizens and companies in the SPID (Public System for management of the Digital Identity) environment. InfoCert is expanding g internationally and in 2016 successfully marketed its digital transformation services in over ten foreign countries.

    nfoCert invests considerably in quality and research and development. The Company holds a significant number of patents and its ISO 9001, 27001 and 20000 quality certifications are proof of InfoCert’s full commitment to the highest levels of service, compliance and safety. InfoCert’s Information Security Management System is also ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certified for EA:33-35 activities. InfoCert is a Trust Service Provider fully compliant with the requirements introduced by the eIDAS Regulation (EU regulation 910/2014). In particular, the Company received certification as Qualified Trust Service Provider, confirming that its service provisioning processes comply with ETSI EN 319 401 standards.

    Earlier in 2017 InfoCert increased its ownership to 80% in Sixtema, the technological partner of the CNA (National Confederation of Artisans), which provides Information Technology software and consulting services to small and medium-sized companies, professional associations and offices.

    Tecnoinvestimenti Group

    Tecnoinvestimenti Group is one of Italy’s top operators in its three areas of business: Digital Trust, Credit Information & Management and Sales & Marketing Solutions. The Digital Trust Business Unit, through the companies InfoCert, Sixtema and Visura, provides products and services for document digitalization, electronic billing, electronic delivery and digital signature. InfoCert is the leading European Certification Authority and a Digital Identity Providers accredited with the Italian Government. The Credit Information & Management Business Unit, which includes the companies Ribes, Assicom and their subsidiaries, offers credit decision-making support services such as Chamber of Commerce and real estate information, aggregate reports, summary ratings, decision-making models, real estate appraisals and valuations, with special emphasis on the supply and assessment of credit and collection services. The Sales & Marketing Solutions Business Unit, through the company Co.Mark, offers solutions and tools to help small and medium-sized companies expanding internationally.
    The Tecnoinvestimenti Group reported revenue of €147.3 million, EBITDA of €29.7 million and a net profit of €12.1 million in 2016.The adjusted net profit, which excludes nonrecurring components and the amortization recognized in connection with business combinations, amounted to €15.9 million.
    Tecnoinvestimenti is listed on the STAR segment of the Milan Stock Exchange.

    For more information:

    InfoCert Press OfficeBMP Comunicazione for InfoCertEmail: team.infocert@bmpcomunicazione.itPietro Barrile +393207008732 – Michela Mantegazza + 393281225838 – Francesco Petrella + 393452731667Media Room InfoCert:
    Corporate & Financial Communications Lawrence Y. KayE-mail: Carla Piro ManderTel. +39 06 42 01 26 31E-mail:
    Media Advisor Barabino & Partners S.p.A.Foro Buonaparte, 22 – 20121 MilanoTel.: +39 02 7202 3535Stefania Bassi: +36 335 6282
    Specialist Intermonte SIM S.p.A. Corso V. Emanuele II, 9 – 20122 Milano Tel.: +39 02 771151

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