InfoCert QES provides the highest level of trust and security.
It is in accordance with eIDAS standards and Cloud Signature Consortium (CSC).
InfoCert is a qualified member of CSC for 2021.
With Qualified Electronic Signature you can sign online contracts.
What is an Electronic Signature?
What is the Qualified Electronic Signature (QES)?

Identification process
Sign your documents from any device
All electronic signatures

For your everyday transactions
- Confidentiality agreement
- Service Contracts
- Simple commercial transactions

For your everyday transactions
- Purchase contracts
- Partnership Contracts
- Personal insurance contracts

Max validity
For your medium-risk transactions
- Customer credit contracts
- Property Contracts and Rental contracts
- Audit reports
- Customer loan contracts
- Bank current account contracts
Sign digital documents from anywhere with QES
QES Video ID
3 years validity
Guided video-identification with remote operator
Rely on our specialists
- Compliant with eIDAS Regulation
- CSC compliant
- Smooth and guided process
- Identification from PC or smartphone
- Monday to Friday, 9 a.m.- 6 p.m. CET
QES Self-Q
3 years validity
Identification process using a document and a smartphone
Flexibility meets innovation
- Compliant with eIDAS Regulation
- CSC compliant
- Easy, intuitive user experience
- Identification via Smartphone
- Anywhere, any time
Online Video ID
The online video identification session is available from Monday to Friday, 9:00-18:00 CET. Click Here to see more details on allowed identity documents.
This identification process is only available on mobile phones (smartphone with Android 7+ or iOS 13+ with NFC technology). Make sure that you have a currently valid electronic passport before proceeding, or an electronic ID Card (Italian citizens only).
InfoCert Qualified Electronic Signature gives you immediate benefits:
Improve the efficiency
Guarantee high level of trust and security
Enhance user experiences
Finalize deals online
Ensure full compliance with EU Regulation 910/2014 (eIDAS)
Streamline approval processes
Did you know that you need special software to sign a document digitally?
Discover GoSign to sign your documents digitally

Get your Qualified Electronic Signature in a few minutes

Rely on us, InfoCert is the leading European Digital Trust Service Provider!
QES Certificate issued
We transform our values into actions
Sign digital documents from anywhere with full legal value
InfoCert is the market leader in Italy
Discover the experiences of users who have put their trust in our digital services