What is digital identity?

    Digital identity has an increasingly fundamental role in our lives as modern society becomes digitized. There is an emerging ecosystem of people, machines and organizations, using sharing and protecting elements of their identity via trusted infrastructures to get access to assets or to validate claims.

    Personal Identity

    By personal identity is meant the identity linked to a natural person. Its verification is of particular importance when the user is part of a digital transaction such as signing a document, opening a bank account, or taking out a new insurance policy.


    How to verify personal identity?

    Identification is the core of eIDAS regulation, that is named “Regulation on electronic identification and trust services”

    InfoCert provides multiple methods to identify who is part of a digital transaction and verify his/her identity with high level of security and low level of risk:

    · Live ID: requires a face-to-face meeting between the person being identified and an operator entitled to perform recognition

    · eDoc ID: is an unattended self-identification process that leverages machine learning and biometric technologies to automate identification steps

    · Sign ID: makes possible to recognize the identification already performed by another Qualified Trust Service Provider to let the user complete the identification phase

    · Video ID: is a remote assisted identification process where an operator verifies the customer’s identity through a live video call

    · Aut ID: is based on a pre-existing means of identification

    · AML ID: allows subject’s identity to be verified by entities subject to obligations under Anti-Money Laundering (AML) laws.

    Legal Entity Identity

    Legal Entities are defines as parts of a financial transaction performed worldwide in all markets and legal systems, that buy or sell financial instruments (shares, bonds, warrants, government securities and derivatives). They can be:

    · registered companies, including registered subsidiaries

    · funds

    · not-for-profit organisations

    · government agencies and organisations

    · branches


    How to verify Legal entity identity?

    Financial Stability Board creates the Global Legal Entities Identifier System that assigns LEI to Legal Entities. Legal Entity Identifier is 20-digit alphanumeric LEI code to uniquely identify legal entities worldwide providing information about “who is who” and “who owns who”. To trade over-the-counter (OTC) derivates, partecipant need to have LEI CODE as required by regulation.


    The potential of LEI code has been exploited also by banks and corporation to verify the identity of sellers, suppliers or other counterparties in a simpler, faster and more trasparent way.

    Machine Identity

    In IoT environments, securing communication is one of the most important factors to protect data transmission between two devices. InfoCert can give an identity to each thing connected in a network on several levels of Assurance in order to securing business and outsource the company risks.


    How to verify machine identity?

    InfoCert MID PKI, a PKI based solution, allows to issue certificates to an entity (natural person or machine) after a proper identification phase. PKI can manage the identity lifecycle of devices, starting with a proper identification and certificate enrolment process. Using the certificate, the entity can start a secure dialogue with any PKI-enabled system.

    Let's talk

    Furthermore, for the purposes referred to in paragraph 4, letter e), f) and g) of the information notice:

    1. I agree to the processing of Data in relation to the sending by the Data Controller of commercial and/or promotional communications relating to own products/services of any kinds or products/services of other companies
    2. I agree to the communication or transfer of Data to other companies who will use them for their own commercial and / or promotional purposes as autonomous Data Controller