How many signature types you can use with GoSign?

    GoSign is the Open Signature Platform by InfoCert which enables easy and smart management of signature process and it offers all types of electronic signature and an easy way to achieve the maximum trust level. 


    It is possible to download for free on your device or to use online directly on the Web. What users can do with GoSign? It allows users to active, monitor and verify digital signatures and timestamps. 


    The app is compatible with all types of digital signatures, and it is available for every operating system and device, both Desktop and Mobile. 


    But how many types of electronic signatures exist?

    Supported e-signature types: simple, advanced and qualified

    In each process you could need a different trust level, reachable by a specific type of signature solution. That’s why there are three main electronic signature types:


    1. Simple Electronic Signature (SES)

    It is the simplest type of e-signature, but the most used. At the same time SES is the “weakest,” since it is defined by European regulations as “data in electronic form, enclosed or connected by logical association to other electronic data and used by the signer to sign.”

    Using simple electronic signature, User can easily approve any document in few seconds, thanks to the “click & sign” experience, without any PIN.

    So, this solution is easy and fast to use, but it doesn’t have a strong legal value.


    2. Advanced Electronic Signature (AES)

    AES can be used in any context, except for agreements where greater protections are required and for which a qualified signature must be used, such as real estate property transactions, and other real estate laws. Customers can rely on different kinds of Advanced Electronic Signature offered by InfoCert. They are based on Biometric, PIN/OTP and Software Certificate signatures.

    The compliance of identification process is guaranteed.

    So, this solution is more difficult to use than simple e-signature, but it has stronger legal value.


    3. Qualified Electronic Signature (QES)

    It is the stronger type of e-signature and it is defined by European regulations as “Advanced electronic signature created by a qualified electronic signature creation device and based on a qualified certificate.

    Customers can rely on different kinds of Qualified Electronic Signature offered by InfoCert. They include long-term cloud certificates, one-shot cloud certificates, and device-based signatures.

    So, this signature is more difficult to use than other’s type, but it has total legal value.

    Each of these solutions optimizes your time and provides you with greater efficiency in managing dossiers, making for a greater return on investment.

    Curious to know more about QES?

    Let's talk

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