How many signature types you can use with GoSign?

    GoSign is the Open Signature Platform by InfoCert which enables easy and smart management of signature process and it offers all kinds of electronic signature and an easy way to achieve the maximum trust level.


    It is possible to download for free on your device or to use online directly on the Web. What users can do with GoSign? It allows users to active, monitor and verify digital signatures and timestamps.


    The app is compatible with all types of digital signatures, and it is available for every operating system and device, both Desktop and Mobile.


    But how many types of electronic signatures exist?

    How many types of eSignature exist?

    The European Union defines three types of electronic signature: simple (SES), advanced (AES) and qualified (QES).


    Simple (SES): Lacking the guarantees of authorship and integrity of the document, it represents the weakest form of eSignature in the IT field. It takes on the value of a mere signature instrument. This includes, for example, logging in using a username and password. The low legal value clearly emerges if we wish to identify with absolute certainty the person who has logged in with certain credentials.


    Advanced (AES): As the name suggests, this type of solution provides a higher degree of protection and security. It presupposes the prior identification of the signatory by means of an acknowledgement that can take place de visu or remotely by means of audio and/or video recording tools made in compliance with the regulations in force. The most widespread type of AES is the graphometric signature via tablet.


    From a legal point of view, it has the same evidentiary value as a private contract, for which the presumption of traceability of the eSignature to the holder applies. In court, it is then up to the other party to prove the invalidity of the deed. The CAD limits the application of this type of tool to documents within an administrative procedure.


    Qualified (QES): this is one of the most advanced solutions and is characterised by two elements:

    – a secure physical device for creating it.

    – a certification attesting to the identity of the signatory and the originality and integrity of the signed documents.

    Compared to its predecessors, this solution is based on a QES certificate issued by an authority guaranteeing the authenticity of the signatory and the absence of changes to the document after signing.


    Digital: This is by far the most advanced form of electronic signature. It uses a digital kit consisting of:

    – a physical device (except for remote certificate)

    – a certificate with a validity of 3 years issued by a certification body that identifies and certifies with certainty the identity of the holder.

    – a PIN known only to the signatory.

    With the PIN, a further step is added to strengthen the entire signing process, a step that can only and exclusively be carried out by the holder. As mentioned above, this solution guarantees the highest level of legal value, which translates into a reversal of the burden of proof, in other words, in the event of a court case, it will be up to the signatory to prove or deny its validity.

    Would you like to know more about QES Certificate?

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