Innovation runs at high speed with digital signature
One of Italy’s largest transport groups turned to InfoCert to streamline and speed up internal processes.

InfoCert for the Transport Sector
One of Italy’s largest transport groups has turned to InfoCert to streamline and speed up its internal processes. The group represents the first pole in Italy to combine the management of railway infrastructure with motorway and road transport.
The aim is to propose an innovative model of mobility supply and demand management, based on flow optimisation and environmental and economic sustainability.
Goal: speed up signature processes
In the wake of the digitisation undertaken in previous years, it was necessary for the client to continue on this path, seeking further possibilities to dematerialize its activities. Indeed, the complexity of the Group and its structure required solutions that could streamline and speed up communication and daily activities related to internal signature processes.
The Client turned to InfoCert, which has always been considered a reference point for Digital Trust services and with which it has been working since 2016. The solutions already adopted and signed by InfoCert include the Legailinvoice electronic invoicing solution, the Legalmail PEC service, and the Digital Preservation service.
For this further step towards a true digital transformation, InfoCert has proposed the GoSign signature solution to its customers.
GoSign allows customers to create, sign and share their documents quickly and easily, enabling them to more efficiently manage often lengthy and complex business approval processes, all in a 100% digital way.
Furthermore, its integration with the SAP management system has enabled the solution to be used throughout the value chain and in the Group’s various locations, which has thus been able to standardise its processes internally.
At the moment, some 21453 signature transactions have been registered, while more than 200 internal users are using GoSign, a perimeter that will continue to expand over time given the benefits of its use.