
Ensure your digital transformation and speed up policies subscription!
Secure your organization against the competition
- Identify your customers easier
Thanks to TOP (Trusted Onboarding Platform™) InfoCert's patented solution, you digitally contract new customers through easy and intelligent integration of identity verification, proposal and digital contract signing processes.
- Get new insurance policies signed faster
GoSign allows you to prepare and send policies for signing to your customers, simplifying your internal and external signature processes. With GoSign you reduce your business time but also your carbon footprint, thanks to a 100% digital and paperless solution.
- Save space with digital archiving
Safe LTA is InfoCert's solution that allows you to digitally archive documents. With Safe LTA you guarantee the readability of your documents over time, saving on printing and physical storage space.
Know your customers? You can do it remotely
Thanks to Bank of Italy regulations implementing the Fourth Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Directive, it is now possible to manage Know Your Customers (KYC) procedures remotely, simplifying and speeding up processes with fully digital solutions.
With TOP®, you can manage the entire end-to-end process: from data collection to customer signature, all remotely for a complete and compliant customer onboarding.

Reward your customers with the benefits of digital trust
Get a signed policy in minutes with digital and secure solutions
Provide an omnichannel sales experience to your customers
Integrate our solutions with your applications via APIs
Reduce your Carbon Footprint with 100% digital solutions
When it comes to sign remotely, using digital instruments, the Insurance sector is governed by many international regulations (e.g., eIDAS regulation on electronic identification and trust services to perform electronic transactions in the European Single Market) and local ones (e.g., in the Italian context, ISVAP Reg. n.34/201 and IVASS regulations n.8/2015).
Thanks to a team dedicated to the study of Compliance, InfoCert can design innovative solutions to effectively meet the needs of customers in different sectors and countries.

We support the Healthcare sector to simplify clinical processes and to digitize customer onboarding.

We help financial institutions to bring new customers onboard with intuitive and smooth solutions.

Ready to digitalize your processes?